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Industria Conservera magazine reports on the Closing of the UMI FFF4P in its June23 issue

Industria Conservera magazine highlighted the 7 years of joint research between ANFACO-CECOPESCA and EMENASA INDUSTRIA and the achievements presented at the closing event on May 24 at the headquarters of EMENASA. The FUTURE FOOD FACTORY has achieved an innovative industrial product using hyperspectral technology that allows the qualitative and quantitative determination of the raw material quickly, in process line and in real time, with a high degree of accuracy and in a non-invasive way, operating with all the requirements of the marine-food manufacturing industry.

All the information is collected in the report “La Alianza ANFACO-CECOPESCA /EMENASA INDUSTRIA Referente Mundial en Tecnología Hiperespectral para Control Alimentario” (The Alliance ANFACO-CECOPESCA/EMENASA INDUSTRIA World Reference in Hyperspectral Technology for Food Control) in the issue Nº 152 – June 2023 (page 68).

Find here the report. Issue 152 (page 68)